Articles tagged with: European Union

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 

February 11, 2017. Agriculture Minister Ángel Estévez will travel to Rome to support the candidacy of the Dominican Josefina Stubbs to the Presidency of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The choice of the new president will be held next Tuesday, February 14 in Rome, Italy.

Estévez indicated that Mrs. Stubbs has great possibilities of being chosen for the position and that Dominican authorities have worked for her election. In several national and international meetings, Dominican officials and diplomats have won the support of more than 38 countries with the right to vote to support the candidacy.

Mrs. Josefina Stubbs is currently the vice president of the institution. She has over 30 years of experience in the global development sector, working for 16 years for the non-governmental organization Oxfam International, where she was Regional Director for Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. She also worked at the World Bank before joining To IFAD in 2008.

In the Dominican Republic, she has been financing rural aid projects for more than 25 years, contributing to poverty reduction.

IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), whose purpose is to provide funds and mobilize additional resources to promote the economic progress of the rural poor, mainly by improving agricultural productivity.

The agency was established in 1977 and since its inception has financed projects worldwide, especially for food production in developing countries.

Published by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic

Rome, 14 February 2017. In light of the developments of the election process and after careful consideration, the Government of the Dominican Republic decided to join forces with Togo in the last round of the elections and support its candidate.

Your support and encouragements have been a source of immense pride and energy. The months leading to the election for President of IFAD have been extremely rewarding and intense. I have met some incredible people who have opened my eyes and my heart, and who have reminded me of how much commitment exists around the world to sustainable development.

I wish to express my most sincere thanks to my dear friends, colleagues, rural leaders of the world, to my family, to the President of the Dominican Republic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister and staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and to all the Ambassadors of the Dominican Republic around the world, and to all those who have endorsed my candidacy for your guidance, your support and your encouragements.

Thank you.


Rural Development Report 2016
Rural Development Report 2016
Interview with Josefina Stubbs from UN on World Humanitarian Summit
Interview with Josefina Stubbs from UN on World Humanitarian Summit
Josefina Stubbs directora del FIDA Se fortalecerá las relaciones para mejorar los proyectos
Josefina Stubbs directora del FIDA Se fortalecerá las relaciones para mejorar los proyectos

See more on YouTube.


Mario Osava et Baher Kamal s'entretiennent avec Josefina Stubbs, IPS News.

FIDA 2017 - Place aux femmes dans le développement rural

Por Mario Osava e Baher Kamal, da IPS, IPS Notícias.

É tempo das mulheres no setor rural

Mario Osava y Baher Kamal entrevistan a Josefina Stubbs, IPS Noticias.

FIDA 2017 – Tiempo de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural

Mario Osava and Baher Kamal interview Josefina Stubbs, IPS News.

IFAD 2017 – It’s women’s turn in rural development

Josefina Stubbs, LinkedIn.

Investing in poor rural communities makes business sense

Josefina Stubbs, IPS Noticias.

La paz se siembra con el desarrollo rural

Josefina Stubbs, IPS News.

Récolter la paix: comment le développement rural fonctionne pour la prévention des conflits

Josefina Stubbs, IPS News.

Harvesting peace: how rural development works for conflict prevention

Josefina Stubbs, LinkedIn.

How a changing climate affects what makes it onto your plate

Josefina Stubbs, LinkedIn.

Food for the soul – a recipe for transforming poor rural communities

Josefina Stubbs, LinkedIn.

Powerless and bruised: why violence against women hurts development

Antonio Pita, El País.

Dar oportunidades al mundo rural es la única manera de regular la migración

Josefina Stubbs and David Lewis, IPS News.

Thriving rural communities is a recipe for healthy cities

Josefina Stubbs y David Lewis, IPS Noticias.

Las ciudades saludables requieren comunidades rurales prósperas

Josefina Stubbs et David Lewis, IPS News.

Les communautés rurales florissantes sont une recette pour des villes saines

Ashok Kumar, OneWorld South Asia.

World will make it in terms of SDGs only if India can: Josefina Stubbs, IFAD

Baher Kamal, IPS News.

We cannot keep jumping from crisis to crisis

Elena L. Pasquini, Devex News.

IFAD VP: Career success isn’t a mystery, it’s hard work

Massimo Latini & Nicola Nosengo, Rai EXPO Milano 2015.

Stubbs: “1 more billion people out of poverty” Interview with Associate Vice-president of Ifad about the ‘Millennium goals’, to be reached within 2015

News releases


The Government of the Dominican Republic decides to join forces with Togo in the last round of the elections and support its candidate.


Minister of Agriculture Ángel Estévez will travel to Rome to support the Dominican Republic Candidate Josefina Stubbs to the Presidency of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)


  • Rural Development Report 2016. IFAD (Stubbs, J. and Binswanger, H., eds.)
  • MÁS ALLÁ DE LOS PROMEDIOS: Afrodescendientes en América Latina. By Ponce, J. (Josefina Stubbs & Hiska N. Reyes ed.). (2006). The World Bank.
  • Gender in Development: A Long Haul-But We’re Getting There! By Stubbs, J. (2000). Development in Practice.


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